Thank you to everyone who competed in, voted, or commented upon, the March Short Story Competition, with special thanks to archie-tp, who so diligently documented the votes, and cutley for chivvying responses from those, who initially perhaps felt a trifle reluctant to participate. If we are ever going to make anything of this little corner of the site we need all the interest that can be generated and although it looks as if it might well be a long haul, at least the new voting procedure worked well and attracted  interest.
It is important that the impetus is not allowed to flag.

Three days before the closing date I had given up any hope of finishing “Sisters” with time being so much at a premium, and not being one of those who is able to knock something off in a couple of  hours, I didn’t think that it was going to be possible to meet the deadline. Fortunately a “window of opportunity” presented itself at the last minute and I just scraped in under the radar. And I’m so pleased that I did ……… thank you all for both your votes and your comments.
Coming out on top of a competition with only four entries might appear to some to be a hollow victory, but each of the three other stories were worthy contenders as was reflected in the voting, and to me, small fish are sweet.
But until more scribblers join in the fun, the competition will continue simply as an entertaining diversion.
There is no reason why it should be like that.
Anyone who takes the trouble to look back over recent competitions will not fail to be impressed at the camaraderie that exists in the Creative Writing Group, where no one gets to be humiliated or intimidated by the discourse between members. No posting is savaged or given an unsympathetic reading, and new members of the group are welcome, particularly those who are willing to actively join in.
By it’s very nature MyT attracts people who are able to string a few words together. So why not give it a go and send in an entry this coming month, you might surprise yourself………. and everyone else!

And now to my prize for winning, the opportunity to set the terms for the next competition.
With your permission I would like to suggest the following criteria for the April Competition.

Closing dates .……………Entries.. Midnight (GMT)  30th. April 2011.
Voting ….to be advised (hopefully by archie-tp).

Subject. A story with a plot built around any two of the “Seven Deadly Sins”, which are   commonly accepted to be Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, and Gluttony.
Maximum number of words ……………. 2250.

Information on voting procedure and Posting links will follow later.

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